The oak sleeps in the acorn…

The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg,... Dreams are the seedlings of realities.    ( James Allen) Have your dreams like acorns fallen on the way side, all forgotten?  They were never able to spread their wings because they're entangled in life's challenges. You've been told that you can't make it because you're too old, too young, stupid or even too ugly.  Reject that! Don't believe that lie. Each of us, at one time or another, would have harbored a dream, even nurtured it.   But your dreams got mixed up with your fears and worries. You must have thought dreams are best enjoyed while sleeping.  Because no one told you, you have to fulfill them right? They're just supposed to take flight on their own?Added to this, you allow the fear of failure to steal your dream. Failure if learnt, can become the mother of success.  Your…