Fight or flight?
Its first instinct when feeling threatened is to place nails at its feet.(Anna G) I'm not afraid... but... but I'm afraid. I shouldn't have left the cage. What am I going to do? I'm feeling very vulnerable right now. Let's get some protection. Nails... I saw nails... that will do. But I must not step on them. I won't or I'll end up getting hurt.Or, I'm sick of being stepped on. I've had enough! I'm going to protect myself from now on.Is this the kind of self-talk that goes on in your mind when you have been at the receiving end of repeated betrayal, backstabbing and bullying? You want to fight back but you're also afraid of the consequences. So you try to retaliate. But your weapon of choice, in this case, is a bed of nails. It can hurt an oncoming predator but it can also hurt You!This is…