Taking off!

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.(Henry Ford) Are you feeling drained? Do you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you? Say it out loud. Shout it, "I'm not defeated!" Challenges strengthen you if you don't give up. Deal with the critical things. Don't let the urgent issues cause you to take your eyes off what really matters.  You'll get there. You're not alone. Press on! Great things don't happen overnight. Crossing difficult terrain is part and parcel of growing up.  You're the one who chooses what breaks you. What cannot break you will build you up.  Don't give in so easily, especially when you know you're on to something that's worthwhile. Take a break. Pause. Reflect. Take stock. Lend a helping hand to someone. That may take your mind off your immediate issue and you'll see better from…