Light in the storm

 It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light!(Aristotle)   When we're in a storm it is hard to believe that it will pass. But just as the sun rises from the east, the truth is that the storm will end! So focus on not being overcome  by the storm. Everyone experiences adverse situations in their life. There is no exceptions to the rule. These stormy situations are often completely out of your control.  Be brave, face it head-on if possible.  If not, wait.  Take a breather.  If you believe in God, focus on Him rather than the circumstances. Circumstances change with time.  Sometimes issues resolve by itself. Breathe.  Do some physical activity to help clear your mind.  It is okay to take a break and wait out the storm. Keep your peace of mind. Listen to soothing music.  Relax. Make a craft, cook, do anything to…


It’s familiar, is it safe?

Sometimes, it takes more courage to keep moving forward even away from what's familiar.  (Anna G.) Are you clinging onto something familiar? Do you believe that it's better to be safe than sorry? Is the familiar always safer? You're scared, so filled with fear and doubt. You look around desperately for something familiar to cling onto. Even if it is an abusive relationship, where what's good in it is long past. Are you looking for a way out? Sometimes it's found in the way forward.  So don't keep looking back.  While whatever is ahead may be uncertain and feel unfamiliar, but as long as you are still alive, there is hope. Don't give up!Have you discovered the purpose you're here on earth for?  You never really know what you are truly capable of. That's why, all the more, you need to take the time to look for the answer.  That's what you do when you're playing a…