Stand out and shine…

Be uniquely you. Stand out. Shine. Be colourful. (Amy Leigh Mercree) You can't seem to shake off the feeling that every eye is on you and your full-blown figure. Yet from your corner of the room, you seem to have a hundred eyes like a pineapple, able to spy every going on in the room.  But that makes you more fearful. They make you want to cower in your corner. Breathe, don't panic.  Don't run away.You sometimes wonder if you're driven into a corner by people or do you choose to hide in corners. Don't let fear overcome you. Stand tall, wear your crown proudly. You're unique, don't be afraid to be different. Different is not ugly. Different is not bad. You have hidden goodness in you like the sweetness in the pineapple! The pineapple plant takes one year to produce one fruit and two years to ripen.  It cannot be…