Seeds of change.

Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed and nothing ever changes without a dream.   (Debby Boone) You don't believe in dreams.  You can't afford to dream. You're too busy earning a living. You believe dreams are only good for those who can afford to take a break. Too old to dream? At 10 years old,  you've seen it all. Nothing fazes you. Dreams belong to 'lala land' and they'll never come true for you, and you're not going to trust in dreams. It's precisely for all the above reasons that you have to keep on dreaming.  Dream -because you're busy so that you don't lose focus on the important things in your life. Dream - because no one is too old to dream.  For the young, it means you have not seen it yet. Dreams do come true but it may just take some time. Like the…