Light in the storm
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light!

When we’re in a storm it is hard to believe that it will pass. But just as the sun rises from the east, the truth is that the storm will end! So focus on not being overcome  by the storm.

Everyone experiences adverse situations in their life. There is no exceptions to the rule. These stormy situations are often completely out of your control.  Be brave, face it head-on if possible.  If not, wait.  Take a breather.  If you believe in God, focus on Him rather than the circumstances. Circumstances change with time.  Sometimes issues resolve by itself.

Breathe.  Do some physical activity to help clear your mind.  It is okay to take a break and wait out the storm.

Keep your peace of mind. Listen to soothing music.  Relax. Make a craft, cook, do anything to take your mind off the issue for a little while. This temporary peace will help clarify any confusion because a calm mind thinks better.

Then take a look at the storm again. Better still, if possible, break down the issue into smaller bite sizes.  Take small steps.  Then you won’t feel so overwhelmed.

Keep a hopeful mind. Hang in there.  There are many ways to solve a problem.  Stay calm.  Don’t let yourself be overcome with fear.

Look for the lighthouses in the storm.  Their purpose is to shine a light in the darkness to guide those who need it. Likewise, ask for help. Be open even if it makes you feel vulnerable.  Someone’s experience may help you.  Your experience of overcoming this storm may help others too.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel.  Just look ahead of your problems, not just at them.  

 Count your blessings!

Artist & Text: Anna G.

The Real Meaning of Peace

There once lived a king who announced that he would give a huge prize to any artist who painted the best picture depicting peace.  Many great painters took on the challenge and sent the king several of their best art pieces.  

One of the masterpieces he received, was that of a calm lake perfectly mirroring peacefully towering snow-capped mountains.  The sky was blue with fluffy clouds.  The painting was perfect.  Most of the people who viewed it thought that it was the best among all the many masterpiece paintings sent in by renowned painters.

But when the king announced the winner, everyone was shocked because the winner’s painting looked vastly different. Yes there was a mountain range too, but the sky looked dark and menacing with lightning in the sky.  The painting did not look peaceful at all.  It looked like the artist had mistakenly submitted his painting depicting storm rather than peace.  

But if anyone looked a a little closer at the painting, you would see a tiny bush growing in the cracks in the rock.  In that bush, a mother bird had built her nest.  And in the midst of the rush of angry weather, a baby bird sat in her nest peacefully eating a worm.

Peace does not mean a place where there is no noise or trouble. Peace means to be in the midst of all the chaos and still be calm in your heart.  So real peace is your state of. mind, not the state of your surroundings.  The mother bird was calm, despite her chaotic environment and that’s why this was the best painting representing true peace.


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  • Post last modified:August 15, 2021
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