Hidden to shine…
Beautiful gems can emerge from dirt. Struggle can teach you self-discipline and resilience.
(Dipa Sanatani)

How many times have we found ourselves ignored or rejected as if we don’t matter or exist? Too many to keep count? You’re not alone. Many of us at one point of our life or other, would have experienced this. Sometimes, we try our best yet we don’t seem to be appreciated. Give in and give up?

There is always hope even in hopeless situations. We don’t always see or know everything. We may be in a very dark place right now and cannot see any hope in it.  

Perhaps you’re just being trained for something far greater than you can ever imagine. You’ve been under the radar, so that away from the limelight, you can take your time to develop and mature through the trials you’ve been experiencing.  Otherwise you’ll be even more stressed, having to cope with everything all at once, and being scrutinized publicly as well. 

So be thankful that it is not worst.  There are reasons for your being unseen to some people. These reasons could be to give you more time to assess your situation and make amends or to allow you to explore other options or even to get over someone who has betrayed you.  

Whatever the options, you’ve been given more time and space to recover, restore or to start anew.  You’re probably now more self-disciplined and resilient.

You are in a good place although you may not feel like it at the moment.  As long as you are alive, there is hope for the future. You can and will recover, although you may not think so right now. Or perhaps you think you have never receive any recognition or appreciation for your efforts.  Even then, press on.  The day will come. Perhaps sooner than you expect.

When it happens you’ll be thankful.  It is hard to imagine another better day is coming when you’re where you’re at right now.  Someone in their 90s or even 80s, will tell you so. Right now, if you’re in your teens, twenties or thirties, you think you’ve lived life. Wait till you get to pass the three-quarter of a century mark, you’ll realized that life here on earth is a trial.  As long as you’re alive, you can still make up for the past. You can overcome whatever is going on around you if you believe in the light that lives within you. ( Justine Edward)

You’ll realize that there is a light within you that guides you in knowing right from wrong.  You don’t quite know what this is until you acknowledge that there is a God.  He is watching and waiting to help you, just like a parent watches a child learning how to walk.  

If the parent interferes too early, the child will forever lean on the parent and will not learn to walk properly or will reject the help from the parent.  Whichever action the child takes, the parent has to learn to hold back and let the child make a choice or even stumble before reaching out for help.  That’s God, not that He doesn’t care about you,  but that He cares too much to not give us the choice.

So if you don’t believe in God, perhaps you can try asking Him to turn up and meet you.  Even now, He is probably waiting for you to recognize His presence and ask for HIs help.  He can truly help you.  He is not too far away that you cannot reach Him nor too small that He cannot help you.

Reach out and He will find you.  There truly is a God. Give Him a call.  He hears you even in all the darkness surrounding you.  He sees you as a precious gem.  He had put His light in you to guide you, even when you don’t recognize Him.  It is not too late to give it a try. Reach out, He is waiting for you.

Artist & Text: Anna G
© Copyright of songs belongs to the artiste and their record labels.
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  • Post last modified:December 21, 2020
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