Enough or more than enough?
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more.  If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.    
(Oprah Winfrey)

Do you feel like your cup is always half-empty? Are you the kind of person that somehow seems to get less when anything is distributed? For some reason you always get the short end of the stick; Your cup never fills up, much less  overflow. 

So you thought maybe if you worked a little harder, if you tried a lot more… Surely you’ll get to the top of the pile. You work yourself to the bone, driven to do more and more, but instead there’s no difference or worse, even less effect. Your cup dries up even faster than before.

All this effort leaves you feeling drained, hopeless and discouraged. You believe if you work hard, be disciplined & strive to get what you want, you’ll win  or be successful. But why have your efforts not paid off? Is God is not on your side?

Well, you can’t rest, you can’t stop because if you slow down, it’s even more of an uphill climb to get back to where you are now, much less surpass and rise to the top. But what is really  driving you? Why is the hunger inside you never satisfied? Are you really losing out? 

Perhaps your desire for more has blinded you to what you already possess, or even what really matters. So take your eyes off of the prize you are striving for, & instead take stock of what you already have. 

Indeed, you may have more than you think you have. You see, material things don’t bring you lasting happiness. Pursuing them only causes an addiction cycle of never feeling like you have enough. 

Instead hold these things lightly, in favor of  things that give  lasting value. The real treasure is found in dependable relationships; Family or friends that will support and stand by you.

Realize the truth and refocus your efforts, or you may lose the true treasures that you already own.  As Socrates said,” Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” 

What don’t you have enough?

Artist: Jackie S.   Text: Anna G.

I was someone who attended church but wasn’t very interested about who God is and took God’s blessings for granted until I was diagnosed with stomach cancer.    God was kind and gracious in that I had no major side-effects during my chemotherapy treatment. I had no nausea nor lost of appetite. Only lost some of my hair.

To me this was a wake-up call, another chance given to me to some soul-searching. All worldly blessings, health, family and friends, I thought was all my hard work. Now to me, all the hardship, suffering and pain was a learning process for me to trust that He knows best. He wants me to have the best by refining me through the fire.

I am very grateful and appreciative for what I have been through and without regret, I look forward to His guidance and direction.


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  • Post last modified:December 21, 2020
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