Broken to be shared…

My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat.(Leo Tolstoy) Wouldn't it be an amazing world if everyone lived to look out for one another?  I believe this is not wishful thinking but is a behavior that can be learnt. This is because sharing is not dependent on how much you have, but on how willing you are to give. We can all learn to share what we have, even when what we have isn't much.  You see, we don't need to have a lot, before we can make a decision to share what we have with others.  In fact, if we don't start sharing when we don't have much, it becomes a lot  harder to share when we have plenty left over. And that's the strange irony of human behavior.   For some people, however, sharing…


Making a living or life?

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.   (Winston Churchill) What's your attitude toward money? Not many of us can say we have more than enough money. Money can bless or money can severe relationships and destroy families. It's a topic some would rather not talk about it at all.  But cultivating a habit of giving is about choosing to adopt an attitude of caring and looking out for others.  It doesn't necessarily require you to give money all the time. Otherwise we would all think that giving is reserved for those who have more to spare.  That would rob us of the joy that only those who give to others can experience.  Giving can be about gratitude as well. We give because others before us have done so. It can be about perpetuating a good deed.  I know that…


An Hour of play, a year in conversation…

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.Plato  What do you like to do when you see a game being played? Some people participate, while others observe. In a game, players play mostly to win, but you can also learn about their character from how they play the game.  What I know about playing even a simple board game, is that it is easier to point out what's wrong with another player's moves than ours. Usually you think for someone to win, someone else must lose, because it is based on the zero-sum game. But all parties can win too, if we go with an attitude of not trying to beat each other, but to find the best solution for all so that we can build team work and relationships.As early as the 1700s, economists and scientists have tried to analyze the behavior…


A gilded cage at what cost?

We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without.   (Immanuel Kant) Mindless pursuit of possessions will likely consume you and leave you with no room for what truly matters.  The very thing you pursue may drown and entomb you. Would that be worth it? We have to watch what we are preoccupied with, with what takes up most of our time and resources. Are we  so engrossed with chasing after material possessions that we leave little time to enjoy them?  Some may consider accumulating branded items as legitimate reasons. But don't they leave you feeling as if you need to keep adding to your already mile-high stash of hardly worn bags, clothes or whatever takes your fancy. Don't they leave you on a high only for a very short time, just like taking drugs or smoking does?  They're all addictions. Be careful!  You…


Enough or more than enough?

If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more.  If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.     (Oprah Winfrey) Do you feel like your cup is always half-empty? Are you the kind of person that somehow seems to get less when anything is distributed? For some reason you always get the short end of the stick; Your cup never fills up, much less  overflow.  So you thought maybe if you worked a little harder, if you tried a lot more... Surely you'll get to the top of the pile. You work yourself to the bone, driven to do more and more, but instead there's no difference or worse, even less effect. Your cup dries up even faster than before. All this effort leaves you feeling drained, hopeless and discouraged. You believe if you work hard, be disciplined & strive…