Delight in each moment of your life…

Each moment is just what it is.  It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we'll ever eat.  We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.  (Pema Chodron)   It's the small things that can sometimes make the greatest impact!  The fleeting moments can become a beautiful memory. Life can be as simple as eating the first strawberry you find or as complicated as trying to find one to eat.  Whichever leads to happiness, enjoy the process and remember it.  Don't overthink or oversimplify it.  Happiness is within your grasp if you learn to enjoy the moments you have right now - not those you've left behind or even those that have yet to happen.  Be present.  Enjoy the now!The strange co-relation between living and time is that when…


Silently hurting

I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.  (C.S. Lewis) What is hurting you so badly that you can't even talk about it?Has that happened to you before?   Most of us would have encountered at one time or another, some hurtful issues that have wounded us so deeply that we find it difficult to talk about.  We have suppressed them, hoping that 'out of sight, is out of mind'.  Unfortunately, they seldom lie quietly hidden.It is also not uncommon to hear of stories of people suddenly facing some deep emotional breakdown when they get older in age.  Most of these issues can be traced back to childhood wounds that were suppressed but re-surfaced later in life.  Childhood wounds run very deep. What's worse, most of these child-victims don't even understand why they had suffered at the hands of…


Be kind and the rainbow follows you.

Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind and you'll find the rainbow follows you. (Richelle E. Goodrich) Definition of Kindness:The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern and care are words that are associated with kindness.  "You think kindness doesn't pay.   You believe that you will be taken advantage of if you're kind."  That's a lie the devil wants you to believe.  You see, kindness produces kindness.  Now you may not immediately see the good that is produced by your kindness, but you'll definitely hear about it one day.  For a good deed will kickstart other good deeds that will come a full-circle back to you.  If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness.  Kindness can truly bring you happiness.  It takes more courage and strength to be kind.  Kindness is a language which the deaf…


What really counts?

What counts can't always be counted, what can be counted doesn't always count.   ( Albert Einstein) What really counts? Money, time or relationships? Have you been chasing after what can be counted but really doesn't matter at the end of the day? The latest fads, brands, material possessions. Or even just pursuing your work.  All for the sake of the people you love?  Think again, if you're not guilty of this, perhaps someone you know is preoccupied with what doesn't really count?Time passes whether you use it wisely or not. Money? Never enough of it, right? But how much is enough? If you have the right attitude towards work, there will be opportunities that will come your way as long as you don't give up.  Relationships? Family or even friends, do they matter? Have you made that call? What you don't spend time nurturing, will grow cold. Have you taken…


Shattered but restored…

I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.     ( Anne Frank ) It's difficult.  When you're hurting, it is hard to see beyond what you're feeling right now.  Your emotions are so raw that you think you cannot ever feel again.  It's like your heart and mind have exploded into a thousand pieces and you're not sure that they'll ever be whole again.  You've shed so many tears that you don't think you've any more left in your well.This reminds me of the nursery rhyme, "Humpty Dumpty". Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and even the king's men couldn't put him back together again. As you know, Humpty Dumpty is an egg.  And when a raw egg is cracked or broken, there is no way to glue it back together again.But we're not Humpty Dumptys.  We are stronger than we think we are.…



You will not heal by going back to what broke you.                          (Unknown) When you're feeling broken, you tend to retreat to the familiar; the people, places and  routines that define you. But that's not necessarily the best thing for you. Your world has collapsed, you're hurting and can't figure out how to get out of the mess you're in. You feel like you don't matter. That's not true! Don't give in to these toxic emotions. Your life is not defined by the people who hurt you, or by the harmful situations you find yourself in.Get out of these negative patterns of behavior. Take the first step by acknowledging that the things that are happening to you are not good for you.  Then reflect and try to figure out why does it keep happening to you; Whether it's a slip up at…


Free…at last!

Being forgiven is like having all the worst bits of yourself stuffed into a balloon and then having that balloon set free.    (Shannon Wiersbitzby) Free at last! Oh what a beautiful day, you feel like singing.  What a liberating feeling. You feel lighter, the weight of heaviness you've been carrying for a long time, is no longer there. You feel like you can float like the balloon. You've forgotten you had shoulders, they had felt like sacks of flour that you've been lugging around for so long.   Your need to take revenge or retaliate  is just as burdensome a load.  Of course it is easier to talk about forgiveness when you're not the one doing the forgiving. Nevertheless, forgiving someone is also setting yourself free from the pain and hurt you've been carrying.  The heaviness feels like huge boulders placed on each shoulder that has grown over time from…


Bruised to be used …

Some people are worth melting for. (Olaf, from "Frozen") Have you been hurt or used? Even if it was for good, you still feel raw. Take heart, there are some people who are indeed worth "bruising" for. Yes, our hurts can serve a purpose, helping someone or even ourselves to grow. The truth is you cannot grow up without experiencing hurts or wounds, either physically, emotionally or even mentally. Such is life. While it hurts to be used, and we often cannot see beyond our pain at that time, but like the garlic, we know that if it is not crushed, it will not be able to release the goodness within it to flavor a dish. Similarly, we sometimes have to go through trials to unearth the compassion that is buried within us. By enduring a trial,  we learn to empathize or even sympathize with others, as we better identify with…