Journaling your life’s stories

We can only open our hearts to those we utterly trust, such as the accepting page. (Gille Bolton) With the arrival of the new year, what  reflections do you have on the year that has just passed? Do you like most people, wish that you could have had more, done more or said more? Why don't you instead say "I have enough?" So what do I mean? I'm talking about learning to be content. Now, I'm not talking about accepting your lot in life in a fatalistic 'what will be will be, will be' way, but rather having a self-assured and confident, "I've enough" kind of mindset.  And the best way to reflect on the past year is through journaling. As you leaf through what you have written, you will notice that there were moments of  uplifting and happy, interwoven with the discouraging and sad. So life is not all bad, but neither is…


Delight in each moment of your life…

Each moment is just what it is.  It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we'll ever eat.  We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.  (Pema Chodron)   It's the small things that can sometimes make the greatest impact!  The fleeting moments can become a beautiful memory. Life can be as simple as eating the first strawberry you find or as complicated as trying to find one to eat.  Whichever leads to happiness, enjoy the process and remember it.  Don't overthink or oversimplify it.  Happiness is within your grasp if you learn to enjoy the moments you have right now - not those you've left behind or even those that have yet to happen.  Be present.  Enjoy the now!The strange co-relation between living and time is that when…


No medicine like Hope!

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.(Orison Sweet Marden)  What is the purpose for our lives?  Oftentimes when we hit a roadblock in our life or are at a crossroad, we either give up or carry on.  Whichever course of action we take often depends on how much hope we have.Hope is a choice.  It is not something you can see or at times even feel.  Your hope can come from what you've experienced before or based on what others have gone through. However you choose to see it, ultimately you're the only one who can make that choice - to believe that hope exists no matter what situation or circumstances you find yourself in.Hope keeps you going even when you no longer believe that the situation can be salvaged.  Hope becomes that beacon of light in…


Silently hurting

I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.  (C.S. Lewis) What is hurting you so badly that you can't even talk about it?Has that happened to you before?   Most of us would have encountered at one time or another, some hurtful issues that have wounded us so deeply that we find it difficult to talk about.  We have suppressed them, hoping that 'out of sight, is out of mind'.  Unfortunately, they seldom lie quietly hidden.It is also not uncommon to hear of stories of people suddenly facing some deep emotional breakdown when they get older in age.  Most of these issues can be traced back to childhood wounds that were suppressed but re-surfaced later in life.  Childhood wounds run very deep. What's worse, most of these child-victims don't even understand why they had suffered at the hands of…


Light in the storm

 It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light!(Aristotle)   When we're in a storm it is hard to believe that it will pass. But just as the sun rises from the east, the truth is that the storm will end! So focus on not being overcome  by the storm. Everyone experiences adverse situations in their life. There is no exceptions to the rule. These stormy situations are often completely out of your control.  Be brave, face it head-on if possible.  If not, wait.  Take a breather.  If you believe in God, focus on Him rather than the circumstances. Circumstances change with time.  Sometimes issues resolve by itself. Breathe.  Do some physical activity to help clear your mind.  It is okay to take a break and wait out the storm. Keep your peace of mind. Listen to soothing music.  Relax. Make a craft, cook, do anything to…


It’s familiar, is it safe?

Sometimes, it takes more courage to keep moving forward even away from what's familiar.  (Anna G.) Are you clinging onto something familiar? Do you believe that it's better to be safe than sorry? Is the familiar always safer? You're scared, so filled with fear and doubt. You look around desperately for something familiar to cling onto. Even if it is an abusive relationship, where what's good in it is long past. Are you looking for a way out? Sometimes it's found in the way forward.  So don't keep looking back.  While whatever is ahead may be uncertain and feel unfamiliar, but as long as you are still alive, there is hope. Don't give up!Have you discovered the purpose you're here on earth for?  You never really know what you are truly capable of. That's why, all the more, you need to take the time to look for the answer.  That's what you do when you're playing a…


What’s on the other side of fear?

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear. (George Adain) Why do you allow fear to rob you of even trying?  Don't let a wrong belief of something or someone hold you down.  Sometimes we give so much permission to our fears that they become bigger than our reality.  Even if the truth is staring us in our face, fear tells us otherwise. Even if what what we fear most, didn't actually happen, we are still riddled with anxiety and there is no peace. Even if someone else tells us that what we fear is not going to happen, we don't believe them and we allow ourselves to fear the worst.  It's like we are anticipating the worst to prove that we're right.That's Fear. That's not Truth.You see, it takes courage to be vulnerable and to try again. And it takes more courage to rid ourselves of our…


Be kind and the rainbow follows you.

Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind and you'll find the rainbow follows you. (Richelle E. Goodrich) Definition of Kindness:The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern and care are words that are associated with kindness.  "You think kindness doesn't pay.   You believe that you will be taken advantage of if you're kind."  That's a lie the devil wants you to believe.  You see, kindness produces kindness.  Now you may not immediately see the good that is produced by your kindness, but you'll definitely hear about it one day.  For a good deed will kickstart other good deeds that will come a full-circle back to you.  If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness.  Kindness can truly bring you happiness.  It takes more courage and strength to be kind.  Kindness is a language which the deaf…


Made different… to make a difference!

  If everybody were like everybody else, how boring it would be.  The things that make me different are the things that make me Me!     (Piglet with Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh) "Fear has no hold on me! I'm not going to let fear silence me. I tell myself it doesn't matter if I'm different."   Why do we allow ourselves to fear what others think of us? You see, everyone has a heart beat. Indeed we are more alike than we are different.  Are they really as fearful as we think they are? The only thing that really matters is our attitude.  Not only our attitude towards others but also our attitude towards ourselves.Why cower in fear or turn away in shame? Just because you're different from other people does not make you any less precious.  We can make a difference for ourselves and others when we face our fears, whatever that may be. Don't turn…


Whose shoes are you wearing?

When you spend all your time imagining yourself in other people's shoes, your own story goes unwritten, and there is nothing more painful than that. (Amanda Lovelace) Don't you sometimes wish you were someone else? Especially when you see the lifestyles of the rich and famous flaunting their wealth, or undeserving people getting away with 'murder' Unbelievable! How is it that we live in the same world?  It shouldn't matter! Everyone, even the rich and famous, struggle with challenges and anxieties. Everyone on earth has a burden he or she is carrying.  If you can actually read the mind of these people, you may even think you're better off being yourself.   What we see on the external, does not tell the whole story.  So don't desire to be in the shoes of others!  You never know what is seething beneath the veneer of "all's fine and great".  They may need…


Slow down…to go fast!

One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a horse master. He told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren't enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully we will get it done quicker and with much less stress. (Viggo Mortensen) Life is unexpected isn't it?  It is already year 2021.  It's been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic appeared in the world in December 2019.  Covid-19 caused the whole world to standstill in 2020. Worse, it didn't go away as fast as everyone expected. & now the new normal is far from normal.   Pre-COVID activities such as walking, shopping and meeting up with friends look very different these days, because of the many restrictions imposed. In many countries,  wearing a mask is mandatory outside of…


Behind the cloud…

Behind the cloud, the sun is still shining.    (Abraham LIncoln) Today's clouds may look heavy, tomorrow you may have a good day, but who can tell which cloud contains the rain. Just by looking at the clouds, we can oftentimes tell what the weather is going to be like.  If we see advancing dark clouds, we can expect a heavy downpour on its way.  When we see the sun shining, we will not think to carry an umbrella.  Even then, the weather can change suddenly.  The heavy clouds may be hiding the shining sun or the clouds in a bright shining day may camouflage an oncoming storm.  The weather conditions can change in a day or in some places, several times a day.Likewise, when you are facing challenging circumstances, you really can't tell if the worst is over or if the challenges have just begun. But how you respond to these…



You will not heal by going back to what broke you.                          (Unknown) When you're feeling broken, you tend to retreat to the familiar; the people, places and  routines that define you. But that's not necessarily the best thing for you. Your world has collapsed, you're hurting and can't figure out how to get out of the mess you're in. You feel like you don't matter. That's not true! Don't give in to these toxic emotions. Your life is not defined by the people who hurt you, or by the harmful situations you find yourself in.Get out of these negative patterns of behavior. Take the first step by acknowledging that the things that are happening to you are not good for you.  Then reflect and try to figure out why does it keep happening to you; Whether it's a slip up at…


Fight or flight?

Its first instinct when feeling threatened is to place nails at its feet.(Anna G) I'm not afraid... but... but I'm afraid. I shouldn't have left the cage. What am I going to do? I'm feeling very vulnerable right now. Let's get some protection.  Nails... I saw nails... that will do. But I must not step on them. I won't or I'll end up getting hurt.Or, I'm sick of being stepped on. I've had enough! I'm going to protect myself from now on.Is this the kind of self-talk that goes on in your mind when you have been at the receiving end of repeated betrayal, backstabbing and bullying?  You want to fight back but you're also afraid of the consequences. So you try to retaliate.  But your weapon of choice, in this case, is a bed of nails.  It can hurt an oncoming predator but it can also hurt You!This is…


Taking off!

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.(Henry Ford) Are you feeling drained? Do you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you? Say it out loud. Shout it, "I'm not defeated!" Challenges strengthen you if you don't give up. Deal with the critical things. Don't let the urgent issues cause you to take your eyes off what really matters.  You'll get there. You're not alone. Press on! Great things don't happen overnight. Crossing difficult terrain is part and parcel of growing up.  You're the one who chooses what breaks you. What cannot break you will build you up.  Don't give in so easily, especially when you know you're on to something that's worthwhile. Take a break. Pause. Reflect. Take stock. Lend a helping hand to someone. That may take your mind off your immediate issue and you'll see better from…


Pressed to be perfect…

Pressure from an iron can remove creases but pressure on a person can break or build character. (Anna G.) You feel pressured, pushed, you can't even breathe. What's happening? There is a lot of pressure to be like everyone else but you don't want to be like everyone else, you just want to be YOU. Can't you? Why do you feel like this pressure is killing you? Why can others handle this pressure but why are you struggling so much? Should  you just end it? NO! Remember, who You Are is not tied to what you can achieve. Our inner man wants to be known.  Our identity knows that we are born to be significant. There is a reason for our existence.  Your identity is separate from looking or being perfect. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do well.  But being perfect should never be your goal. No one is perfect and can…


Storm in a teacup…

It's just a storm in a teacup... (but) the cup of suffering is not the same size for everyone.(Paulo Coelho) When you're in a raging storm, it seems as if the whole world is like a big ocean that is threatening to capsize your boat. You feel like all the ocean water is coming in. You can't seem to keep afloat  any more.  The sails are flapping and tearing. You're afraid that whatever you're holding on so tightly now, won't make it. That makes you want to hold on even tighter.  However, in life, the tighter you hold on to something, the more you feel insecure about it. Like the sails in the boat, the tension must be right.  If it is too tight, in a storm, the rope keeping the sails to the boat may snap. So letting out the rope a little will help to keep the boat afloat.…


Swift but paralysed…

Even the swiftest deer can be stopped by the headlights of a car.  (Anna G.) Everyone has an Achilles' heel.  Fear paralyses the best of us, even in the area that we are good at.  We may run as swift as the deer but, when caught under the headlights of a car, we freeze.  You've probably heard of the phrase, "deer caught in the headlights". Knowing this, we should remain humble. But more often than not, most of us are fearful.  In fact, some people will go to great lengths to hide their weakness, because they think that when people find out about their weakness, they will be preyed upon. This kind of thinking is not surprising, especially if you work or live in a society that is highly competitive and rewards perfection and excellence. Fear is destructive and totally irrational.  If you allow yourself to be bound by fear,…