Journaling your life’s stories

We can only open our hearts to those we utterly trust, such as the accepting page. (Gille Bolton) With the arrival of the new year, what  reflections do you have on the year that has just passed? Do you like most people, wish that you could have had more, done more or said more? Why don't you instead say "I have enough?" So what do I mean? I'm talking about learning to be content. Now, I'm not talking about accepting your lot in life in a fatalistic 'what will be will be, will be' way, but rather having a self-assured and confident, "I've enough" kind of mindset.  And the best way to reflect on the past year is through journaling. As you leaf through what you have written, you will notice that there were moments of  uplifting and happy, interwoven with the discouraging and sad. So life is not all bad, but neither is…


Be kind and the rainbow follows you.

Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind and you'll find the rainbow follows you. (Richelle E. Goodrich) Definition of Kindness:The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern and care are words that are associated with kindness.  "You think kindness doesn't pay.   You believe that you will be taken advantage of if you're kind."  That's a lie the devil wants you to believe.  You see, kindness produces kindness.  Now you may not immediately see the good that is produced by your kindness, but you'll definitely hear about it one day.  For a good deed will kickstart other good deeds that will come a full-circle back to you.  If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness.  Kindness can truly bring you happiness.  It takes more courage and strength to be kind.  Kindness is a language which the deaf…


Made different… to make a difference!

  If everybody were like everybody else, how boring it would be.  The things that make me different are the things that make me Me!     (Piglet with Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh) "Fear has no hold on me! I'm not going to let fear silence me. I tell myself it doesn't matter if I'm different."   Why do we allow ourselves to fear what others think of us? You see, everyone has a heart beat. Indeed we are more alike than we are different.  Are they really as fearful as we think they are? The only thing that really matters is our attitude.  Not only our attitude towards others but also our attitude towards ourselves.Why cower in fear or turn away in shame? Just because you're different from other people does not make you any less precious.  We can make a difference for ourselves and others when we face our fears, whatever that may be. Don't turn…


Whose shoes are you wearing?

When you spend all your time imagining yourself in other people's shoes, your own story goes unwritten, and there is nothing more painful than that. (Amanda Lovelace) Don't you sometimes wish you were someone else? Especially when you see the lifestyles of the rich and famous flaunting their wealth, or undeserving people getting away with 'murder' Unbelievable! How is it that we live in the same world?  It shouldn't matter! Everyone, even the rich and famous, struggle with challenges and anxieties. Everyone on earth has a burden he or she is carrying.  If you can actually read the mind of these people, you may even think you're better off being yourself.   What we see on the external, does not tell the whole story.  So don't desire to be in the shoes of others!  You never know what is seething beneath the veneer of "all's fine and great".  They may need…


Everybody is a genius…

Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.    (Albert Einstein) Stand up... Keep smiling... Keep telling yourself and the world that,"You're fine, you're good...."   But You're NOT!" You're in pain and you're all broken up inside...You've been trying to hold it all together, as the song, Truth be Told by Matthew West goes. Don't believe the lie that you're too big, too stupid or too ugly. You're not a tree or an anchovy. You don't have to hide in order to blend in.  You're unique, beautiful and majestic! You're not a carbon copy of someone else's expectations of you. Your strength, your size or your quirk is nothing to be ashamed of. Honesty is what you really need right now. So admit it with pride,"I'm a whale!". Be happy! I have always…


Accept your flaws …

Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.     (George R.R. Martin) I sometimes think we give too much credibility to our fears.  To the extent that they become even bigger than our 'reality'.  We have given our fears too much permission to affect who we think we are.  It is not even about what people think about us; It is about what we choose to believe about ourselves, deep down inside of us. It affects us to the extent that we either do the opposite of what we think people are expecting of us, or we totally comply with what we think people want us to do. Either way does not leave us feeling happy or anywhere satisfied.  Instead we feel an emptiness that refuses to leave, because we are trapped by our fears.But fear will NOT have the last word! Our flaws make us…

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