Bruised to be used …
Some people are worth melting for.
(Olaf, from “Frozen”)

Have you been hurt or used? Even if it was for good, you still feel raw. Take heart, there are some people who are indeed worth “bruising” for. Yes, our hurts can serve a purpose, helping someone or even ourselves to grow.

The truth is you cannot grow up without experiencing hurts or wounds, either physically, emotionally or even mentally. Such is life.

While it hurts to be used, and we often cannot see beyond our pain at that time, but like the garlic, we know that if it is not crushed, it will not be able to release the goodness within it to flavor a dish.

Similarly, we sometimes have to go through trials to unearth the compassion that is buried within us. By enduring a trial,  we learn to empathize or even sympathize with others, as we better identify with their situation.

But what happens if what we have gone through causes us to be bitter and not better? 

Well, an unpeeled and hardened garlic dies and withers, as it can no longer reproduce, nor is it useful for what it was meant for.  When we refuse to let go of our hurts, we may have to learn this life lesson again, because our pain only continues to hurt us and others. 

You see, by refusing to allow hurtful experiences to grow us, we miss out on the chance to walk in someone else’s pain. And as such, we are further isolated from others and are lonelier than ever.  

So why don’t you turn your trial into triumph? Choose to be vulnerable and share with others what you have learnt on your life’s journey.  

Remember, what has not broken us will make us stronger.

Reflect and listen to this song, “Stronger” by Mandisa.

Artist & Text: Anna G.
© Copyright of songs belongs to the artiste and their record labels.
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  • Post last modified:December 21, 2020
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