Accept your flaws …
Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.    
(George R.R. Martin)

I sometimes think we give too much credibility to our fears.  To the extent that they become even bigger than our ‘reality’.  

We have given our fears too much permission to affect who we think we are.  It is not even about what people think about us; It is about what we choose to believe about ourselves, deep down inside of us. It affects us to the extent that we either do the opposite of what we think people are expecting of us, or we totally comply with what we think people want us to do. Either way does not leave us feeling happy or anywhere satisfied.  Instead we feel an emptiness that refuses to leave, because we are trapped by our fears.

But fear will NOT have the last word! Our flaws make us who we are. Just accept them because we are a “work-in-progress”.  

Now it doesn’t mean that we are damaged goods. But rather we all come in various packages of completeness. Some of us may have more baggage than others, and may take more time to blossom. For example, we cannot choose the families or communities we were born into. We may have had poor adult models as we were growing up. That’s why we have skewed values and skewed world views. But the hand we were dealt with does not define us! We need to accept our flaws and grow up. We can resolve to overcome, to adapt and mature, and to make a better future for ourselves. 

By accepting our flaws, we need not fear what others may say or use against us.

By accepting our flaws, we learn to love ourselves for who we are.

It’s not a selfish, ‘me-first and only’ love. But it’s a love of self that gives us the confidence to face this life and find our place and purpose in it. For some, that may take a lifetime. For others, it’s around the corner. But however long or short the time, enjoy the process. Take it a day at a time, an hour, a minute, or even a second at a time. Just breathe …just breathe in the breath of life you have been given… we’re Alive!


You are wonderfully and beautifully made.  

You are One of a kInd in this world…just the way you are. There is No one else is like you… flaws and all, and there will never be.

May this song Priceless by For King & Country cheer you on!

Artist: Lydia C.      Text: Anna G.


© Copyright of songs belongs to the artiste and their record labels.
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  • Post last modified:December 21, 2020
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Lcp Chein
Lcp Chein
November 9, 2020 9:45 pm
